Fees & Finances

Fees in Catholic schools are an essential component of the total funding of Catholic education.

Whilst Commonwealth and State Government grants provide the underlying financial support, schools will be able to achieve their vision and mission priorities only if Government Funding is supplemented by fees. Therefore, for our school to be able to meet the financial demands of our operating budget, it will always be necessary to maximise the collection of fees from the families that choose Catholic education for their children. 

As part of your schooling journey, St Mary’s charges school fees. The fees and levies collected by St Mary’s are essential in providing high quality education. Each family in the school will be issued school fees that specifically cover; providing essential resources, materials, facilities and equipment. 

St Mary’s fee structure is broken up into a family fee, a curriculum levy (books, stationary, ICT leases & maintenance), a learning experience levy and a capital maintenance levy. The family fee is paid once annually per family, regardless of the number of children that attend.

Please forward completed Direct Debit forms to fees@smechuca.catholic.edu.au

2025 – St Mary’s Schedule of Fees 2025

2025 – Fee Collection Policy 

Direct Debit Request 2025