The Arts
Performing & Visual
St Mary’s recognises the importance of the Arts. Learning through the Arts encourages self-expression, creativity, and imagination while building self-confidence.
The Performing Arts curriculum engages all learners in dance, drama, music, and movement. Such learning experiences allow learners to be expressive, collaborate, create, and communicate through various modes.
Visual Arts
During Visual Arts, all learners explore a variety of mediums to be able to explore and express themselves, creating interpretations of their understanding. Through drawing, painting, sculpture, and print, the visual arts encourage creative expression, wonder, and imagination.
LOTE – Languages Other Than English
St Mary’s Languages Other Than English are AUSLAN in Foundation to Year 2 and Indonesian in Year 3 to Year 6.
In Indonesian, learners explore the language, culture, and traditions through the spoken word, dance, art, history, geography, and music. Learners begin to understand the relationship between language and culture and how this may shape meaning and identity.
Foundation to Year 2 learners learn sign language, gestures, and varied movements to accurately engage with the deaf community. This language is integrated into our classrooms, assemblies, and celebrations throughout the whole school, building awareness and understanding among all.
Digital Technologies
St Mary’s recognises the importance of integrated digital technologies in all curriculum areas. Our learners actively live in a digital age where the learning of skills, knowledge, and safety are paramount for the world they live in.
STEM is a specialist curriculum area that explores Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics combined. Such learning exposes learners to innovations that require coding, robotics, problem-solving, communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.
St Mary’s provides all learners with a device. Learners in Foundation to Year 2 are provided with a leased iPad, and learners from Year 3 to Year 6 are provided with a leased Chromebook, both of which are devices to be used at school. In the classroom and specialist rotation, our learners are supported on how to use devices to produce, celebrate, and collaborate their thinking, learning, and understanding. This program aims for increased connectivity, productivity, and, on occasion, home learning opportunities.
St Mary’s is an eSmart school where regular education is dedicated to being cyber-safe, being responsible for our digital footprint, and knowing how to be safe and respectful digital citizens. St Mary’s recognises that this education is a partnership between home and school and one that is ongoing.
Health & Physical Education
St Mary’s is committed to the health and physical well-being of all and provides explicit teaching and learning to build a learner’s physical capability of skill and movement while fostering positive education for safety and well-being.
St Mary’s provides a structured physical education program and integrates sports and games at various times throughout the school week. All learners engage with local community coaches through various sporting programs, and Year 5 & 6 learners are encouraged to take part in external skills development and inter-school sporting opportunities throughout their time in the senior year levels.